I heard about the Dusty Domains event Netlify was running for the month of December where, if you deploy a website on their platform, they will donate money to some charities.

I'm a fan of programs that help get people into Tech and of deploying projects. Plus, I've never used Netlify before so this would be a good chance to try it out.

Been meaning to have a place for my XR TicTacToe demo I created earlier in the year for a talk. Looking to dive deeper into WebXR in the new year and create more games. Would be cool to be able to link to other people's projects as well. So I built the site, refactored the game, bought the domain, and here we are.
Built With
used for hosting and serverless functions [ more ]
framework used to build out the app [ more ]
used to build the interactive parts [ more ]
WebXR TicTacToe:
used for audio chat and passing player moves [ more ]
handles VR and AR rendering of game assets [ more ]
Paint 3D
used to create game assets [ more ]
used to build the components [ more ]
| Site launched!
For more
Check out my website lifelong.dev
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